Pittsburgh Mayor Ed Gainey announced on Monday that his office and developer Walnut Capital have reached an agreement on the Oakland Crossings project. The agreement more clearly defines the zoning and includes a section on public benefits that covers affordable housing and food access. Read more
"After months of controversy, the city Planning Commission Tuesday gave its support to a revised proposal designed to bring hundreds of new apartments and a grocery to part of Oakland. But it did so with reservations." Read more
"The approval process for the proposed Oakland Crossings development has demonstrated two very different models of public-private collaboration, and of mayoral leadership." Read more
"It will be another two weeks before Pittsburgh's Planning Commission makes a decision on the proposed Oakland Crossings development." Read more
"On Monday, Pittsburgh Mayor Ed Gainey's administration announced a deal to advance the controversial Oakland Crossings development. The changes include new promises to provide affordable housing." Read more
"Oakland is poised to be taller, shinier and more deliberately developed following a six-hour meeting of the City Planning Commission that focused largely on the future course of the neighborhood." Read more
"Votes on Oakland Crossings and a proposed UPMC tower, plus discussion of a 10-year plan, could shape the bustling Pittsburgh neighborhood's future." Read more
"After putting the proposed Oakland Crossings project on hold for a couple of months, Pittsburgh Mayor Ed Gainey said Monday that his office has reached a deal with developer Walnut Capital on proposed zoning for the large-scale development in central Oakland." Read more
"Pittsburgh Mayor Ed Gainey and Walnut Capital reached a deal last week on proposed zoning for the developer's Oakland Crossings project, which will receive a vote later this month from the City Planning Commission." Read more
"Three months before former Mayor Bill Peduto left office, he proposed a zoning change for nearly 18 acres of Oakland specifically tailored to a plan by Walnut Capital, the landowner, that would allow the developer to construct buildings up to 180 feet high near UPMC Magee Womens Hospital." Read more
"Mayor Gainey announced today an agreement with the developer Walnut Capital on the proposed zoning for the Oakland Crossings project." Read more
"For John Tague, a 72-year-old power wheelchair user, equitable accessibility means something different to each member of the disabled community." Read more
Whether you have been living in Pittsburgh your entire life, or you just moved to Pittsburgh a few months ago, there are countless Pittsburgh attractions that every resident must visit at least once in their lifetime. Read more
Walnut Capital has over 100 employees and counting! Ever wonder who was employee numero uno? Allow me to introduce Diana Corbett, Walnut Capital's longest standing employee! Read more
"On Tuesday Mayor Ed Gainey again hit pause on Oakland Crossings, a proposed development project that could remake nearly 18 acres of Central and South Oakland. The city's Planning Commission was scheduled to vote today on legislation that would allow the project to move forward." Read more
We all know someone with a roommate horror story from college. It's not always easy to leave home for the first time and then live with someone you may have never met before. Here are some tips we suggest you follow when living with a roommate. Read more
So, what's it like to work at Walnut Capital? That's a loaded question. Further, what's it like to work at Walnut Capital for over 20 years??? Only a few people can answer that... we asked Ryan for his take! Read more
As the new year begins, do you feel like you need a change? Is it time to start looking for a new apartment? Here are some tips Walnut Capital suggests to prospective residents when they begin their apartment search. Read more
"County Executive Rich Fitzgerald and Mayor William Peduto announced plans to transform an abandoned road behind Bakery Square into one of the city's only public 'living' streets." Read more
There is no such thing as having too many closets! When it comes to living in an apartment or small space, sometimes you might find it hard to store all your items in an appealing or aesthetically pleasing way. Here are some of our favorite small space storage items! Read more