Gainey announces agreement with WCM for Oakland Crossings


Gainey administration announces agreement with Walnut Capital for Oakland Crossings zoning

Gainey administration announces agreement with Walnut Capital for Oakland Crossings zoning

Gainey administration announces agreement with Walnut Capital for Oakland Crossings zoning
"Mayor Gainey announced today an agreement with the developer Walnut Capital on the proposed zoning for the Oakland Crossings project. The deal includes narrower and more clearly defined zoning and a public benefits agreement that covers affordable housing, food access, MWBE contracting, and will create 250 good paying union construction jobs.

 “From the first day we walked into office I told my team that any development must move us forward on making Pittsburgh more equitable and affordable for everyone,” said Mayor Gainey. “This agreement is the first time a private developer has committed to using the Housing Authority Choice Voucher Program to reach inclusionary zoning requirements in Pittsburgh’s history and will include a new grocery store that will bring much needed options for fresh food to this neighborhood.”

"We thank Mayor Gainey and his hard working team for their leadership,” said Todd Reidbord president of Walnut Capital. “First, they took the time to listen. Then, they raised the bar higher on what's possible, motivating us to roll up our sleeves further and think bigger. We worked together to problem solve innovative ways that ensure the community receives its long-awaited grocery store and that we can build a sustainable, affordable, inclusive mixed-use development that lifts up everyone in the community.  Oakland Crossings will be a national model of how this can be done.""

Read the full press release here.