Turning Your Apartment into a DIY Yoga Studio


Turning Your Apartment into a DIY Yoga Studio

Turning Your Apartment into a DIY Yoga Studio

How to Turn Your Apartment into a DIY Yoga Studio

If you experienced a yoga class in the pre-pandemic world, you understand the sense of calm that comes over you when you enter the yoga studio. Maybe it’s the candles or maybe it’s the comforting Buddha statue greeting you at the entrance. Being trapped at home, with all in-person yoga classes canceled, I find myself searching for that same tranquil feeling that comes with being in a yoga studio. 

According to many studies, you don’t need to leave your apartment to experience the amazing benefits of yoga. Carving just 30 minutes out of your day to center yourself will transform your headspace and help ease stress and anxiety. There is nothing like the feeling of Zen that washes over you after taking a yoga class (and all the food you can eat guilt-free!). The real challenge (at least for me) is getting yourself physically there. Creating your yoga sanctuary will cut out your commute and need for a rigid schedule, allowing you to find peace, whether you have an hour or ten minutes. 

Having a designated space and area to practice can help you establish a more consistent schedule/routine. One day, you might look forward to the time you get to dedicate to your practice!

Follow these 5 tips to get your at-home Yoga Studio up and running!

1. Designate your Yoga Space

The beauty of the At-Home studio is that it really can be from anywhere. There is a big misconception that you need to have lots of space to successfully practice yoga. Bigger is not better in this case. In reality, all you need is space for a mat. Do you have a corner of your apartment that is just empty space? If your apartment is smaller, can you move your kitchen table out of the way to make room for your mat? It’s okay if your yoga studio is a multipurpose space! That’s the beauty of a DIY Yoga studio! Note: avoid getting too close to walls and windows on the off chance that your headstand doesn’t stand up.


2. De-Clutter

Yoga is best enjoyed when the space is clean and you’ll be more likely to use it if you keep it organized. Eliminating physical clutter around your yoga studio/apartment will help to de-clutter your mind, leaving space for growth and reflection. Get creative with your studio! If you have available space, a common rule is to allow 21 square feet of room for your yoga mat, leaving room to practice, plus extra space to stretch out into.


3. Set The Mood

Once you pick your DIY yoga studio location, continue using the same setup until your body becomes accustomed to the peace and focus you achieve in your practice. The only requirements for successful yoga practices are yourself and a mat. But, if you’re looking to spice up your DIY studio, try setting the mood with good lighting. Set up your matt by a window with natural light, or turn your lights down to bring yourself tranquil vibes. If you have candles,  light some candles to match the vibe of an established yoga studio.


4. Decorate the Space

Decorate your space! Make your DIY Yoga studio an area that you want to spend time in. There are lots of decorative options to choose from when designing your happy space. One could add some candles or a diffuser to improve the vibes. If you’re into plants or crystals, add them too! If you’re a minimalist, no extra objects might be what you desire. The beauty of it being your own yoga studio is that you can choose what makes this space inviting and welcoming for you.


5. Pick the Right Classes

Whatever your skill level might be, there is a class for you! You can simply Google “yoga classes” or search it on Youtube and endless classes of all levels will be at your fingertips. If you are not near your TV or laptop, there are yoga apps for that. You can choose a 10-minute yoga class, 1-hour yoga class, yoga for flexibility, yoga you can do in bed, morning yoga routines, and so much more. No matter your skill level, there is a yoga practice out there that is just right for you. 

For me, yoga is part of how I choose to cope with the crazy world we live in right now. I have noticed that dedicating just 20 minutes a few times per week to yoga practices can significantly help one’s mental health. The more connected I felt to my breath, the more I felt I had control over my anxiety. Starting your practice as a beginner seems difficult, but know that you will improve with practice. I went from struggling to hold basic poses to be able to complete 1.5-hour classes just a few months later. Stick with it! The rewards are worth it. 

So now that you are ready to set up your studio, you are ready to practice! Prioritize yourself this year and get lost in the good vibes of yoga!